
It's only semi autobiographical

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  • Tuesday, June 28, 2005

    Hey, I am really quite drunk now, hence me missing yesterday's blog.

    This is my last day in bath, so I went to the pub to celebrate. This was swiftly followed by an unplanned stop at he chapel. Always fun, and mostly intoxicating.

    Really wish I could write more. Will be coherant int he morning.
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    Sunday, June 26, 2005

    576 now K, and yes, my heart is indeed black...

    Onn that note, had to say a few goodbyes today, which is always a bit sad. Fortunately I will see most of those people next year, so it was not quite as wrenching as it could be. There are a good few who I may not see again of course, some of whom have managed to slip away before I had the chance to say goodbye.

    They will be hunted down and shot.

    Hopefully I will be able to find the rest before I leave on tuesday, so if you are still around, text me and we can go get drunk or something.

    Or better still, leave a comment. For the gods' sakes leave comments! I know theres more than 2 of you who read this! Please?

    Now I'm tired, I've just woken up.
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    Saturday, June 25, 2005

    Ranting aside, I just thought I would take the time to explain a small theory I posted on Dave's blog, (see link on right.)

    It is all with regard to finding the perfect girl, and assumes that each time you go out with someone, and subsequently break up, you become a little wiser, and a little closer to finding the aforementioned girl.

    Well, if you take perfectness of girlfriend to equal a*K, where K is the number of girlfriends, and a an arbritrary constant, then by allowing K to tend to infinity, a*K also tends to infinity. Since this is not a closed interval, it is fruitless searching for the perfect girl.

    However, by Archimedes' postulate, you can find an N, a member of the natural numbers, such that for all P in the Real numbers, K>N implies that a*K>P. With P being the desired level of perfection.

    In other words, you may not find the perfect girl, but you can potentially find a girl who is as good as you would ever want.

    The beauty of this is that it also works when the next girl could be better or worse, with some slight modifications. The idea is that since perfection can be considered an infinite value of P, there are far more "high" numbers than "low" numbers, regardless of your definition of "high" and "low." Therefore, for any person, there is always one better.

    Unless of course, you are me.

    Superiority complex... I know...
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    Wednesday, June 22, 2005

    Got 93.33% Not bad, but still needs more work. Can not really do latest exam I tried, seems very different. Will have to stay up longer. Also Kieran should watch the episode of Futurama where Bender becomes obselete, then gets a downgrade. "Your mother!"
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    Right, marking the exam... I think I got the last part of the last question wrong...
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    It has kicked in. It is like a chemical reaction, it takes quite a bit to get me hyper, but when I do, it all hits at once, like the activation energy of an exothermic reaction. I will be bussing now untill the fuel runs out, so I gotta keep loading myself with caffine and sugar until the end now.

    Buzzing so much. Reckon if I get 100% in my next practice exam will reward myself with a break. If not I continue on! Drinking tea that tastes of molen sugar, on about 9th cup I think. Had 3 cans of red bull. Shaking like a leaf, but working like you would not believe. I am typing this at a hugely rapid ammount, but to be honest can not remember how I started this post. Back to exam. Will update when I have marked myself.
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    Tuesday, June 21, 2005

    Based on the fact that I need to get about 75% on my exam tomorrow, I have decided to pull an all nighter, at least until I can get 100% on the past 2 years exams.

    More info on this as it progresses.

    I forgot to spell check this last time I posted it (this has been rectified) expect things to get worse as the pressure increases.
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    Giggling actually driving me crazy. Can not concentrate. Only hope to avoid killing them is to vent here.

    That way there would be evidence against me if I did, so it would be foolish of me to do so.
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    I just potentially failed my degree, so sorry, no amusing rant about groups of people who piss me off today.

    I just watched someone, however, walk down my road to get in their car, and drive it down the road to park outside my house, presumably to save walking time next time she wants to use it. This strikes me as an awful display of wastefulness. Two cold starts instead of one, just to save a walk in the morning. Also, ironically, more physical energy is used overall walking to the car twice.

    I hate people like that. Oh, and guess who it was that did it?
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    Monday, June 20, 2005

    GAH I can hear that infernal Harpy giggle still. Through walls and doors she torments me.

    What a beautiful combination of hatreds. Many know of my detestation of stupid people, and truly this day, the demonic has combined with the idiotic.
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    Evil Daystar

    Man I am hyper. I have consumed a small but significant percentage of the total tea output of China today, and am revising hard now. Well obviously not right now, as I am writing this, but you get the point.

    I can not believe it took so long for me to discover the thrills of bouncing on my bed in this room. I have a high ceiling, and a double bed. Let the good times roll. It is marvelously relaxing and a great aid to revision.

    I also have nasty burns on my back from the aforementioned Daystar, or as you may know it, Sol 1. Coupled with my hayfever, which has got much worse recently, what with this unreasonably hot weather, and I am slightly miffed. As the sore face I now have due to shaving with an old blunt razor... Damn high maintenance girlfriends, forcing me to shave like this.

    I say forcing, more suggesting.

    Well, more once-mentioning-she-preferred-me-when-I-am clean-shaven.

    And to be fair, I am not seeing her for another couple of days, so really it is my own damn fault.

    Anyway, I feel the need to rant today, and inspired by Perotheus.com I thought a brief rant about "learning disabilities" was in order.

    Now, given, such things exist, but I do think (note, I had written "feel" but then I realised how untrue that was and how much it annoyed me when others used it like that) that too many people use them as an excuse. This includes both those with them, and, in the case of young children, their parents.

    "Oh he has attention deficit disorder" is not an excuse for your miserable spawn to be running around a restaurant or (gods forbid) library screaming its head off. True, children should be shown love, care and respect, but also have some bloody guts and use discipline once and a while. I do not care what "disorder" or "condition" a person has, if they are causing a disturbance, that makes it your responsibility to deal with it.

    Now, dyslexia. That is a hard one. I know several proud, card carrying members of the DNA (National Dyslexic Association) and I am well aware of the condition. One thing that does mildly amuse me though is that it is stated on a reputable website "About 10% of the population have some form of dyslexia."

    That is one in ten. That is not exactly what you would call a minority group, and yet they use this fact to suggest they need more preferential treatment.

    Personally I think a lot of that 10% are fakers. I mix up my e's and 3's occasionally, and do not even think about starting me off about Greek letters. Damn Epsilons. I even get twist my d's in rather novel and exciting ways, but I would not dream of asking for extra time or anything for it.

    10% seems a popular number, it is also the number of people who are supposedly homosexual. Again, I think this is a skewed statistic. One of those things where you answer questions on a scale of one to five, with only five, being "Never even considered that I might spend time alone with a member of the same sex" counting as "completely heterosexual."

    You know what, I think I lost my thread somewhere back there. Tomorrow, how my exam went (shit, should be revising!) and why I should be able to hate wheelchair users and their ilk.

    Now I'm tired, and I'm going to pass out.

    EDIT: Took a test, on a scale where a score of 8 or higher indicates a strong chance of dyslexia, I scored 11, 9 of which were in the top ten "warning signs" What does this tell us? I do not know, but I am sure as hell not what I would call dyslexic.
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    Sunday, June 19, 2005

    We live long and are celebrated poopers.

    Name that show.
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    Right, I promised an obesity solution.

    This is the product of a lengthy pub session, and some discussion on the "greatest good for the greatest number" philosophy of Utilitarianism.

    Some of you may remember my idea to simply execute these people and send them as food for the third world countries, feeding dozens of people for each one donated. However, as someone pointed out to me, this is not in fact the greatest good for the greatest number, as the sacrificed person will miss out on the rest of their life, whilst the fed people, though more numerous would only get the benefit for a few days at maximum.

    So, here is the far more humane solution, in that it provides benefit for others, and actually also benefits the obese populaces health.

    Exercise machines, hooked up to dynamos, in large numbers. The aforementioned group of people sit on the bicycles (modified in strength and seat size to take the strain) and pedal, as fast as they can maintain, for an hour, then a half hour break, and repeat for a working day. This is done in shifts to provide a constant supply of power. It also acts as a form of exercise for the workers. Their diet, of course, would be carefully monitored, to aid their regaining of health.

    Once their term is up, they should be perfectly re-habilitated, and ready to rejoin society. They would, of course, be paid for their time and effort, and given a reference for their next job.

    There is, of course the problem that some people might collapse and die of exhaustion after about 20 minutes of actually having to move their flesh laden bones for once, but of course if this happens... We are back to the idea of feeding the third world...

    Plus it saves on having to pay them off at the end.

    So, there you have it, a solution to third world hunger, the obesity crisis, and power for wherever in the world needs it most.

    Now I'm hot, and I'm going outside.
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    Saturday, June 18, 2005

    I swear, it is usually funnier than this. For my sunday post, I will make sure I get at least some ammusement factor in... Just come back then! Please!
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    Exam yesterday, hideous hideous layout, I had no choice in the questions I did.

    Despite this, I think it went quite well, disregarding some infinite sphere/cylinder mishaps.

    Now I only have three more, on Monday Tuesday and Wednesday. This leaves me no time to revise properly. So I'm wasting more time doing this, and trying to calculate if I will ever equal Kieran's number of hits. This seems unlikely though, because one, I like his page, and two, I visit his page every day. Now when I view my page, nothing happens, because I have told it to ignore my IP address. When I view his, it gos up one. Now I beleive the same is not true of him, he can make either mine or his go up as he visits. Grr.

    Tune in tomorrow for a new solution to our obesity problem. I really am full of them!

    Now I'm bored, I'm going shopping.
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    Friday, June 17, 2005

    Exam tomorrow. Or rather, today. 2AM, and I am up, not revising, but doing my washing.

    It has been suggested that I should take my degree more seriously. I respond to this with "meh."

    It is always so tempting to slack off. My problem is, I know very well that I can pass the year without doing any real work. The only motivation to work is to get better marks, but in the long run... what difference does it make? Really now...

    Now I'm tired, and I'm going to do washing.
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    Tuesday, June 14, 2005

    I recently had a fascinating discussion with Sally, about the "evils" of capitalism. Now, being a student I know it's practically required of me to hate capitalism, but to be honest, I have no real problems with it. I feel the worlds ills are caused by people being bastards.

    I have decided to mix tea and blackcurrant concentrate. It sits beside me now, being all dark, and purple, and moody. And hot. So I can not tell you what it tastes like yet. Tune in tomorrow folks!

    I also had a surreal moment, whilst listening to Bach and associated musicians, and musing upon capitalism, I was confronted with a pigs arse. True story.

    Now I'm tired, and I'm going to copy up stats notes... Joy!

    Edit: Addendum to post: The tea was very nice, I recommend it
    Edit2: According to spell check, "blackcurrant" should be spelled "flickering" The more you know...
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    Monday, June 13, 2005

    Todays news, took exam.

    Hmm, could have done better, could have done worse. Lessons learned, if the same question has come up 3 years in a row, it is likely to ocme cup again. Expensive lesson.

    CAme back to mine and watched the fantastic "Shaun of the Dead" with Jon, Andy, Louise and Nix. This was after playing "Northern Birds" for Sheffield-dwelling Louise. Reminded her of home.

    Soon everyone bar Nix left, earlyish, since my housemates have an exam tomorrow.

    Now I'm tired and I'm going to bed.
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    Sunday, June 12, 2005

    I am drunk with power! Wait, 'whiskey'?... Yes, I am drunk on whiskey!

    Ah Lore. How I admire thee...

    In other news, does anyone who visits this site use MacOS X? I am still a little uncertain as to what exactly this entails, and I am currently too lazy to do my own research.

    Yahoo.com, Altavista.com, both list me as the first hit for "Superiority Complex" But google... that is what I aim for...

    Now I'm tired, and I'm going to "revise*"

    * The management reserves the right to use the word revise to mean anything they currently wish it to mean. Meanings include, (but are not limited to) get drunk, get high, take painkillers, dose self with high powered fire hose, have sexual intercourse, read a book, eat cheese, have sexual intercourse, play in traffic, look at a map, count my spare change, take an exam, use my blackboard, make food, slaughter my housemates, duel a left handed swordsman, sneeze, claw out my own eyes, smash a window, actually revise, or all (or none) of the above.
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    This posted in vain effort to keep up a once a day schedule for posting.

    (x) snuck out of the house
    (x) gotten lost in your city
    (x) seen a shooting star
    (x) been to any other countries besides the UK
    (x) had a serious surgery
    (x) gone out in public in your pajamas (If a dressing gown counts)
    (x) kissed a stranger
    (x) hugged a stranger
    (x) been in a fist fight
    ( ) been arrested
    (x) laughed and had milk/coke come out of your nose
    (x) pushed all the buttons on an elevator
    ( ) swore at your parents
    (x) been in love
    (x) been close to love
    (x) been to a casino
    ( ) been skydiving
    ( ) skinny dipped
    ( ) skipped school
    ( ) seen a therapist
    ( ) done the splits (Tried, so painful)
    (x) played spin the bottle
    (x) gotten stitches (Ahh, happy memories)
    (x) drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour (Not entiresly sure, but I MUST have done)
    (x) bitten someone (Not in a bad way)
    ( ) been to Niagara Falls
    (x) gotten the chicken pox
    (x) kissed a member of the opposite sex
    ( ) crashed into a friend's car
    ( ) been to Japan
    (x) ridden in a taxi
    (x) been dumped
    (x) shoplifted
    ( ) been fired
    ( ) had a crush on someone of the same sex
    (x) had feelings for someone who didn't have them back
    ( ) gone on a blind date
    ( ) lied to a friend (Not what you would call propper lying...)
    ( ) had a crush on a teacher
    ( ) celebrated Mardi-Gras in new Orleans
    (x) been to the US (It was originally Europe...)
    ( ) slept with a co-worker
    ( ) been married
    ( ) gotten divorced
    ( ) had children
    ( ) seen someone die
    ( ) had a close friend die
    ( ) been to Africa
    (x) driven over 400 miles in one day
    ( ) been to Mexico
    ( ) been to India
    (x) been on a plane
    (x) seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show
    (x) thrown up in a bar (And everybody heard me, even tho i made it into the toilets...)
    ( ) purposely set a part of myself on fire (Define purposely...)
    ( ) eaten sushi
    (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :-)) been skiing/snowboarding (Sorry, I really love wintersports.)
    (x) met someone in person from the internet
    ( ) lost a child
    (x) gone to college/university
    ( ) graduated college/university
    (x) fired a gun
    (x) purposely hurt yourself (I.E punched walls, smacked my leg in frustration, and went snowboarding.
    (x) taken pain killers
    ( ) been "intimate" with someone of the same gender (Though the fenicng club would tell you otherwwise...)
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    Saturday, June 11, 2005

    Tea makes everything better.

    I'd forgotten just how much this was true. I am currently revising like a man possessed for MA20014, Numerical Analysis. I do not know whether you have ever seen someone possessed, but in my case it involves some quite sickening mucus dripping from my nose and mouth, the desire to claw out my eyes and everyone else around me, and body wracking convulsions coupled with loud harsh exclamations.

    Or that could be hayfever.

    And I get the second part of the eye thing anyway.

    To put it bluntly, revision is not going well, and in desperation, I went out and bought some bananas, margarine and hobnobs. After two banana sandwiches, I decided to have a hobnob. This required tea (see, there is a point to this) after making it, and consuming 3 of the simply marvelous biscuits, I took my first sip...


    The sheer relaxation, the warm, comfortable feeling, the soothing, bitter taste. Truly, the British Empire was built on tea.

    Imagine then, my horror to find... It makes my hayfever worse. (Yes, a second link back! On a roll!) It is only marginal, but as I relax, after about 5 minutes, the familiar tingling begins. As of yet, it has not progressed beyond a simple awareness of the problem. But that is how it started with milk.

    Milk, the sweetest of all cow excretions, and my 2nd favourite soft drink, is now forbidden to me. Upon drinking it hayfever sets upon me like a rabid dog, and I even have a reaction in deepest winter. Untill this year I have not been deterred by this, but now it has gotten just too bad, so I no longer partake.

    But tea... I could not live if this too were put beyond my means. Therefore, I have begun my own assault.

    I am now on 4 different kinds of antihistimine. Nasal spray, 2 forms of pill, and a specially made eyedrop for contact lens wearers.

    I will continue to drink tea, and I will survive.

    Now my eyes are itching, and I'm going for tea.
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    Thursday, June 09, 2005

    So, anyway. I lost my bag.

    Last Friday. I think it is on a bus somewhere. It had my brand new MP3 player in there. Also all my maths notes for M11, M12, and half of M35, stats. I am slightly screwed am I not?

    I'm also trying to keep this thing updated, perhaps I should get myself a schedule... Mon-Weds-Fri-Sun? Would that work do you think?

    Now I'm tired, and I'm going to bed. (It is 14.39)
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    Sunday, June 05, 2005

    Under increasing pressure, once again I approach the keyboard with the intention of blogging. There are 3 main reasons, and a small but important auxiliary reason.

    Reason number one, Kieran. The K man has been bugging me (along with a few other people) to post something again. And starting the meta blog was the final straw, I have bowed to this pressure.

    Reason number two, Sin City. I just saw it, and, awesome movie. Loved it, mildly confused by it, but it was all good. I do not have any imaginative critiques here, and do not want to spoil it for others, so just trust me, watch it. The filmwork alone is worth it.

    Reason number three, Cheese Flavoured and Tomato Pizza. Yes. In smile. Come on! Not only are you being forced to put "Flavoured" on your packaging, which is embarasing enough that you can not find actual cheese to put in your product, but you draw attention to the fact by inserting it before the tomato bit, because you really want people to know that there is a small piece of tomato somewhere in the pizza. Cheese flavoured and tomato indeed.

    Auxillary. Firefox saved my password, which I had completely forgotten (hence me not blogging when bored at uni) so I could continue blogging without the aid of my memory.

    Happy now?

    Now I'm tired, and I'm going for pasta.
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