
It's only semi autobiographical

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  • Saturday, June 21, 2003

    Hey guys, it's been another uneventfull day, so instead of talking you through it, I'm going to write a mini review of Enter The Matrix, because its my site, and I can. I recently completed the game (10 minutes ago) therefore I consider myself qualified to do this... ;-)

    To start off with, Matrix fans everywhere should buy this game. The sheer quantity, and quality, of the FMVs includerd is reason enough, but the style of gameplay is awe inspiring. Little touches make it perfect for anyone who loved The Matrix, and there are several nods of the head to the original film in the gameplay, the first level, for example, includes the famous 'Lobby Scene' complete with breakable pillars. Another touch which I enjoyed is the ability to leab backward down stairs, whilst firng up at any approaching enemies, I can only wish that it had come in more usefull in the game.

    It should be said, however, that the game is realy just a method of telling the complete story behind The Matrix: Reloaded. The gameplay is too simplistic for serious gamers, which is the price that needs paying for the complex graphics, and sheer number of combat moves available. Despite this factor, it excels at what it sets out to do, some of the moves in hand to hand combat are spectacular, especialy when facing multiple opponents, and the FMV's add to the story and background to no end. The ingame sequences, whilst "Focus" or bullet time is used are similarly fantastic, and you can realy hear the crunch of fist on bone when those punches connect.

    The hacking feature is a nice touch, and remembering that this game realy is aimed at a mainstream audience, is quite fun. Serious programmers might find this part a little frustrating, especialy due to the difficulty of using the "\" key on the PC, However, with patience even someone who has never touched a computer before should make it to the end with few problems. Another side effect of this part of the game is that if you are compelled to use cheats (though you realy should not need them) you can comfort yourself with the fact that you are not cheating you are "Hacking the Matrix" to make yourself sronger and more focused...

    In conclusion, a great piece of entertainment, with occasional frustrations due to the controll system. Simple enough to accomodate the most basic skill levels, but perhaps leaves something to be desired by the more hardcore gamers, who would possibly enjoy the films the most.

    Well, that was as brief as I could make it. But there is one other thing, once you complete the game, you can get a sword! Nice, time to play again, lets see how Agent Smith stands up to 35" of cold steel...

    Now I'm tired, but I'm going to focus, and practice my swordfighting skills...
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