
It's only semi autobiographical

  • My Profile
  • Sunday, June 29, 2003

    Nice. Party was a hit, got well pissed, all expense spared. No hangover, felt great, even went to work and enjoyed it! So, the goss from my party...

    Personaly got in to a few fights, purely for fun. Garfield beat me wrestling, what can I say, I don't have his experiance in wrestling other men to the ground. Boxing with Dingmatt was a little more succesfull, although it involved destruction to one of my shirts.

    Presents included a Ken doll. Ahem. Well, better than a banana I guess.

    There was some talk of an illicit relationship, which I now strenuously deny. I would never cheat on someone like that. I was also heard to loudly proclaim that "I liked being a virgin, it was more fun. From now on I am hereby a virgin again, 'coz you can't prove anything!" Which was interesting.

    The night was good, I'd do it again, lets do it again!

    Now, I'm slightly embarased, I'm going to bed.
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