
It's only semi autobiographical

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  • Wednesday, June 25, 2003

    Ok, no updates recently because the computer was being irritating, and I fixed it last night and then went out and got drunk. It's probably just as well that I don't write while drunk. Now today, something slightly different, rather than a rant, or any description of my life or terpsichoreally challenged nature, I'm going to write a disclaimer of sorts.

    I bear no grudge, or prejudice whatsoever against any member of any ethnic background, and do not discriminate due to class, colour, creed, nationality, physical disability, sex or age. I believe that everyone should have equal rights in the eyes of the law, and that a person should be payed for the job they do, not who they are. Their pay should be based on the skill required, the desirability of the job, the level of responsability required, and any appropriate market forces.

    A brief example of this, one often quoted, is the prize money for Wimbledon tennis matches, male and female. Now, I believe in equal pay for equal work, however, men play more sets than women, as a starting point. On top of this, market forces dictate that more people want to watch the men play, thus generation more advertising revenue, and therefore, more money to be put toward paying the sports persons. (As a side note, I have heard one feminist argue "Thats just because more men watch sport than women." To which my response is "So...?")

    Now though, I will admit to my one serious prejudice. Unnecessarily fat people. Sorry, but there you have it. I mean, if its a medical condition, no problem, they can't help it. But I mean real medical condition, none of this "addictive food" business, or "its my metabolism" or even the classic; "Im big boned." My refutements to these are, in the order which they were stated: Take bloody aversion therapy, people give up fags don't they? You can change your metabolism, take some bleeding exercise! And finaly, big bones make you heavy, they dont cause your belly to overhang your belt, twice!

    It should be noted, that when I say "fat" I realy mean obese. Theres nothing wrong with a larger person, even if I don't find it particularly attractive, but when we start talking about kneecaps dissapearing behind flab, then its unreasonable. Cankles? I shouldn not even have to explain myself on that one. I mean jesus, you don't need to "diet" or do anything special. Eat 3 reasonable sized meals a day, get the RDA of everything, NOT more, and take up a bloody sport. If you are too shy or crap, run! Or even walk, walk for just 30 minutes a day, thats more than enough, and if you are as big as the kind of people I'm talking to, it'll be one hell of a workout too.

    So, uhm, anyway. I'm not prejudiced.

    Now I'm hungry, I'm going to find rice pudding...
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