
It's only semi autobiographical

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  • Saturday, June 14, 2003

    So yeah, last maths exams went bloody well, and only have two left, and one of those is psychology, so I'm laughing.

    Increased my arsenal today, by one quaterstaff, made of bound and hardened bamboo, should be fairly effective, must try it out on a target that can fight back... (I.E not my brother)

    Since nothing more interesting has happened, allow me to introduce you to a rather interesting group...

    Recently, a new action group has come to my attention, under the name of the [ICC] They are commited to spreading their message across the globe.

    This message is unclear, but it seems to be a harsh and disturbing one.

    As far as I understand, being a memeber of this exclusive group gives you executive licence to be as abusive, and harsh as you like, to absolutely anyone; and it's all in the name of equality.

    Unlike some similar groups around these days such as the KKK, or BNP, the [ICC] is an equal opportunity discrimination group. It does not focus on one minority, or even a majority. It simply directs intense hate at any person, any time, for any reason. Truely, anyone can be a target of the [ICC] and this is what makes it such a unique and fulfilling group.

    There are certain themes to the group though, and I can only say for certain that I'm glad that I'm not ugly, gay, depressed or fat, as these are all in the first line of [ICC]'s offence (No pun intended.) However, this alone does not protect you. Any minor fault, or even not having any faults can leave you open to attack from the [ICC] which apparently 'levels the playing field.'

    Ski, the founder and head of [ICC] insists that despite any evidence to the contrary, he remains "fair and just", through a process of discriminating against everyone equaly. When further questioned though, he made some random noise, called someone a dyke, and screamed "GANDAAALFF!" After which the subject changed...

    One theory behind this groups actions is as follows. We can never completely rid the world of prejudice, and discrimination, but we can make it fair, by ensuring everyone recieves the same ammount.

    Upon questioning Ski however, I recieved this response.

    "Well, descriminating agasint every one simply minimizes any trouble I could get into, as my actions are equally spread. But to say that I abuse everyone to be fair, that's completly the opposite. I just enjoy being a cunt, and will happily say anything to make any one feel as depressed and meaningless to society... just for kicks really."

    Which is one of the longest and coherent statements I've heard on this subject from him.

    in any case, I'll update you on this as it happens, this could potentialy cause the end of civilisation as we know it, or not. I don't know. Anyway, Im tired, I'm going to eat.
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