
It's only semi autobiographical

  • My Profile
  • Tuesday, August 05, 2003

    Right, first off I'm writing this entry by hand. Some of you who know me might be amazed by this, those who know me well will be amazed if I can actualy read it afterwards!

    Still shacked up with bloody rebelling tonsils, I haven't been able to spend much time outside, because the heat makes it worse. Plus since I can't drink, I can't afford to loose any water through sweat.

    I've also developed a cough. Great. My piss is so yellow you could paint a caravan with it. (Why a caravan I don't know...) I'm shivering in my AC'd room in bleeding Barbados, with nothing better to do than write a paper version of my BLOG, and try not to cough up phlegm! Damn that's the worst part. You know when you sneeze and it's all thick and green? Well I can't sneeze, or cough. cI have to hang my head upside down and let it trickle onto the roof of my mouth then spit it out. Nice.

    Coping now by dreaming up all the foods I can eat when I'm better, and the types of alcohol I can drink. I'd give anything for a shot of vodka, a bar of chocolate.

    I'd quite literaly kill for a beer.

    On the positive side, I've started getting random highs from either the dehydration or the horse pills I'm taking. Right now it's even seeming a good idea to make a list of all the foods and drinks I'm craving... If I get realy bored I might put that up later too.

    Guys, if you are reading this, sympathy chocolate would be great! Failing that, sympathy mail.

    Now my throat hurts, I'm going to drain off some saliva.

    I don't know how writing like this changed my style, but I only crossed out two words so pretty stream of conciousness yes?

    Now it realy hurts, I'm going to break something.
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