
It's only semi autobiographical

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  • Friday, September 12, 2003

    Gahhhh! That's what I'd be saying if I could talk. Bloody throat is killing me, I swear it is my tonsils again, but the quack insists that it's just a sore throat.

    So again I'm restricted to writing as my only form of painless communication.

    Went out last night though, which was good, even if I did waste £3 getting in somewhere, only to find my mates had all already left. But later we went to Time, which was great.

    I actualy got quite emotional, not that anyone noticed, one because it's a nightclub, and two because me getting realy emotional is basicaly making a bit of a wistful face for around 3 to 4 seconds, and hugging someone when I say goodbye. Which I suppose is actualy normal practice for some people. Anyway, I felt emotional.

    I mean, I'm realy not prone to this kind of thing, but we might realy never see each other again. When you leave for College etc and leave some people behind, they aren't going to be too far away, you run into them, shopping, working, clubbing. But we are being spread all across the country, and further in some cases. I just hope we all keep in touch.

    Guys, I'm realy gonna miss you.
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