
It's only semi autobiographical

  • My Profile
  • Sunday, October 05, 2003

    Well, I made it to uni! I'm in a fantastic room, and my "house" (Cotswold 3!) is filled with great people, I haven't met anyone I don't like! I have also had the good fortune to end up in the same complex as my two friends from college, and in the same house group as one of them.

    Freshers week is great, having loads of fun, andI have some great stories to tell, some of which will appear over the next few days.

    As of now I'm in the university library, because my "RESNET" account has been canceled due to the discovery of a virus on my system. I was pretty cavalier signing up for the account because I'd had the blaster worm, and got rid of it, but it turns out I had another version, so I'm now lumbered with a £20 fine and huge ammounts of difficulty getting back on line. Joy.

    Now I'm tired, and I'm low on funds.
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