
It's only semi autobiographical

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  • Saturday, December 13, 2003

    Firstly, sorry, my mouse at uni broke, and I have not been able to update. Back home now however, so expect regularity once again.

    I've just been to the annual Christmas Ball at my old college and school, which comprises all the governors, teachers and old students getting together to reminisce on old times.

    A piss up in other words.

    Of course, me being me, I turned up a good hour or so late.

    More uncharacteristically, I was really happy to see everyone, and quite nervous about how everyone was, so I quickly got in and proceeded toward the nearest bottle of wine.

    I was, of course, waylaid by the nearest Maths teacher, and had a pleasant chat ranging from the nice girls in the lower year, (cue embarrassed looking at feet) to the relative merits of Epsilon Delta arguments (for a very short time.)

    Soon I had found everyone and the wine, and was happily catching up with the old gang over dinner. Dancing ensued, lots of fun had by all. I will not go into specific stories, but there were some good ones. And one other one.

    Details are hazy regarding the rest of the night, but from physical evidence I have pieced together the following.

    1: I may have been thrown out.
          Evidence: Text message - "Hey very kicked out at the moment"

    2: I was either attacked with, or stole a corkscrew.
          Evidence: Corkscrew digging into me in morning and corkscrew wound in side.

    3: Someone gave me a hat.
          Evidence: A hat.

    4. Someone gave me beer outside.
          Evidence: Beer can by bed, vague memory of old Lower sixth person giving me beer. Thanks!

    5. I was being a bit of a prick.
          Evidence: Text messages from all over the country to that general tune.

    6. I broke out of and into a friends house twice.
          Evidence: Sent text message claiming as such.

    7. I danced, but it was not an unmitigated disaster, at least I was dancing with nice people.
          Evidence: She told me today.

    8. I was not too drunk.
          Evidence: See next point. Also I still had my bow tie in my pocket.

    9. I made it home.
          Evidence: Phone call at 11ish from parents.

    "Do you need a lift?"
    "Where are you?"
    "'m in bed."
    "Are you coming home?"

    At this point I try to shout that I am home, but my vocal chords have deserted me, leaving only a croak, (hence the italics.) Fortunately, at this point I fell out of bed, was heard, and the situation resolved.

    Now I just have to meet up with my friends again, and actually talk to them...

    Now I'm tired, and I'm blatantly not going to sleep...
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