
It's only semi autobiographical

  • My Profile
  • Thursday, December 04, 2003

    I only realized today that I have, out of habit, been affixing this site address to my outgoing e-mail and messages, so I may well be getting people visiting this site who genuinely know nothing about me.

    Since this site was originally intended for my friends and my own amusement, there is very little on here that identifies me particularly, other than my (occasionally unique) views on the world.

    Therefore, now some people reading this will have no idea what I am going on about half of the time, and even less of an idea of what I am actually like.

    I'm not going to do anything about it, I just noticed, that's all.

    Well, perhaps I shall drop in a few extra hints as to what I enjoy doing and such. Just do not expect any kind of bio, or anything resembling;

    "My name is Fred, and I enjoy horse riding."

    For the record, I am neither Fred nor Jockey.

    However, I will say that I was remarkably irritated today, due to the fact that whilst Shooting, that Welsh Bird yet again outshot me by one point.

    Thus putting me back to 4 drinks in debt.

    I thought I was safe, a score of 91, not bad for a beginner, agreed? But no, she has to go and score 92. I swear she is cheating.

    So anyway, you see what I did there? I let you know that I am a shooter, without having to resort to actually straight out telling you, because that would be boring. (Credit to the phrasing of the start if that sentence goes to Crazy Irish Lady.)

    Now I'm tired, and I'm going to bed.
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