
It's only semi autobiographical

  • My Profile
  • Sunday, December 14, 2003

    Went back to my club after the ball, good to see old faces again, and some new.

    The club is really my brothers now, in that he keeps the money, but it was nice of him to defer to me for the day.

    Possibly the most telling moment of the day you would not understand if I told you, but it involved being seriously underestimated by one of the new lads, before he was quickly filled in by the others...

    Now I'm tired and I'm going to bed.

    P.S To all those whom I have irked, I apologize. If I really pissed you off, then I probably do not like you very much and therefore will not.

    P.P.S And anyone back in Portsmouth, who I either have not seen, probably can not remember seeing, or did not talk to properly, call me, lets meet up.

    P.P.P.S Yes, I do mean you. I can think of at least three people who might read this and then think, "Oh, well he probably isn't thinking of me, and I'm a bit shy contacting people if I don't know how they react..."
    Actually, one, two don't have the internet. Nope, one of them got it a while back, two it is.
    The one that doesn't have the net has (fairly) recently passed a driving test, if you know who I mean, pass it on. I think I lost their mobile number.
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