
It's only semi autobiographical

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  • Tuesday, January 13, 2004

    Gah! I can not think of a single thing to blog about! Which is ridiculous given what has been going on recently. I will therefore fall back on that old chestnut, blogging about not knowing what to blog about.

    Alternatively I will walk round the house asking people what I should write about today. Hang on, I'll be right back...

    Ok, we have an idea.

    Residences. This has come upon me as kind of a surprise. Back home, our student house never went more than a month before September, here however, people are talking about getting housing already. As such, I have been caught rather on the back foot, and may as such not end up in the ideal place, or with the ideal people.

    My Dad, however is buying a house here for students, which I will be able to stay in with my choice of room mates, and knowing my Dad's standards, it should be a pretty nice place too. Now to find some people to stay with...

    In other news I have been asked to state that Westwood is far superior to the other residences, for the following reasons. S&M courts, aside from having the initials S&M, are cold and have little community spirit. Eastwood, look, I am going to get stick for this, I am sure you love it there, but come on, you have to padlock your windows closed. Norwood, who the hell comes from Norwood anyway? As for Brendon court, communal bathing arrangements, and psychotic cleaners as far as I am aware. The other residences do not bear mentioning.

    Now I'm tired, and I'm not going to drink.

    P.S That's been going well by the way, loads of exercise, no booze.
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