
It's only semi autobiographical

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  • Friday, August 06, 2004

    A good day for Queen.

    Not the Queen you understand, well in a sense, yes THE Queen, but not the Queen.

    Sod it, you know what I mean, or should do anyway.

    Yesterday was the day in which I heard the most queen songs, purely by chance, ever. Yup, three whole songs. Granted, I have blasted through several albums in the past, but that was intentional listening, and so not counted.

    Also not counted are the times that my computer randomly selects Queen from my playlist, because I must have chosen them at some point in the past to put on my computer.

    The songs were; Bohemian Rhapsody, (in the car speeding down the A27, be afraid, very afraid) on the radio in the car, another one randomly in the pub, and Don't Stop Me Now, put on by Andy on the jukebox, which counted as random, because I did not know he was choosing it.

    This was after the discussion on the correct sentence out of "As bad as a bunch of physicists is" and "As bad as a bunch of physicists are."

    Yeah, quite.

    Now I'm tired, and I'm going to bed.
    Look, just try saying it out loud.

    "As bad as a bunch of physicists is..."

    It's just bad grammar, and damn hard to say without imitating someone on the verge of having a fit. Anyway, I is going now to eat.

    aNdY boooWEeen

    Grmmr POLice
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    I use perfet grammar at all times. And you might recall I actually did attempt to say "a bunch of physicists is." True, youwere right, but still.
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