
It's only semi autobiographical

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  • Wednesday, August 04, 2004

    Oh for Christ’s sake.

    Read the news paper the other day, and two stories caught my attention:

    1. Girl (5) breaks leg, might ruin Disney Land for her. That is a story now? It was not even a serious break, and the absolute worst that will happen is that the girl might not enjoy her holiday as much now. Despite getting to the front of every line a hell of a lot faster. Hmm, compare this to my brother, breaks leg on holiday, endures coach journey over hills and poor roads, to spend hours in the airport while the officials try to decide whether he is allowed home, followed by the pilots delaying take off to double check whether they are in fact allowed to do so. Newspaper story? No, just everyday life.

    2. Ok, the headline was along the lines of "Man spears foot in garden fork agony" the story was that he had put a garden fork through his boot, and it went between his toes. He was unhurt. He did however scream then faint. So of course he was taken, by ambulance, to hospital, to have the fork removed. Big news story. Guess what I did a while back? Yup, put a garden fork through my boot, taking some of my toe with it. Hospital? Of course not, we washed it and put some antiseptic on it. No news story.

    Suffice to say, I will not be purchasing any copies of the "News" any more. Unless i need something to rant about.

    Now I'm irritated, I'm going to read something interesting.
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