
It's only semi autobiographical

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  • Wednesday, November 24, 2004

    Right, just got in from a fencing 'social.' That is we went to the bar after fencing, and ended up staying heinously late and getting drunk.

    This was going really quite well, until there was an incidence of phone swapping, during which time, despite both parties not doing anything, both mobiles broke. There was some disagreement, and melodrama, so I can only hope that everything will be ok in the morning.

    Upon returning home, and playing Mortal Kombat for a while, my housemate turned up with friends, one of whom is Kieran (disenfranchised from funnylonelylife.) The other, who will remain nameless for his own safety, ended up intruding on Yanni whilst she was in bed. Not a good move. At this point, bed seemed like the safest option, and yet here I am writing this.

    The evening was not entirely wasted though, as we discussed the relative crapness of Zombies in comparison to other undead creations. Vampires tend to have the edge we think. I believe everyone is now watching Shaun of the dead. I however am going to bed.

    Oh ad by the way, please please write your name when you leave a comment, that way I can at least hazard a guess as to whether you are being sarky or genuinely upset by what I write. After all, if I do not get feed back, how can I learn how to upset more people? Seriously though, who left that last one, is it one of you accursed physicists?

    Now I'm tired, and I'm going to bed.
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