
It's only semi autobiographical

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  • Tuesday, March 15, 2005

    How can someone go out with the intention of not drinking, not in fact buy themselves a drink, and still come into uni hungover at mid day?

    I drifted through the plug looking like death, the bar staff and, I swear, even some of the students gave me funny looks somewhere between "Are you going to die?" and "What a waster." After quietly finishing my pint and phoning Emma about some fencing thing, I made it to fresh, where I swiftly purchased a BLT and much lucozade. These were consumed on a bench outside, where I was joined by random schoolgirls.

    This is an unusual situation, given that I am sitting in the middle of a university. It soon transpires that they are college students here on an open day, and we chat for a while about the uni etcetera.

    I realise I foolishly neglected to buy chewing gum, and my mouth was once again feeling like something had died in it. Fortunately this time, whatever it was remained dead. Bloody zombies.

    But then, miraculously on my way into the library (where I am currently residing) someone gave me free chewing gum. I live a charmed life.

    I think it is quite possible that the world does in fact exist to make my life better. That or there is someone out there looking after me. Sure life has it's ups and downs, but I seem to have incredible luck when it comes to things that are essential or just very convenient. Lets think... I could really do with a maths genius to help me with my homework... Ohh, I'll go find Julia.
    I'll be in the library tomorrow between 12pm and 1pm and am happy to be of any assistance. :-)
    (Just remember I don't do stats and I don't do modelling, and I would rather not do numerical analysis if I can help it...)
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