
It's only semi autobiographical

  • My Profile
  • Tuesday, March 01, 2005

    I ate an entire loaf of bread yesterday. Today I had half a packet of pasta mixed with salad cream. That can not be good for a body.

    I really should be getting some meat in my diet too.

    At the risk of making this sound like a livejournal, I have been in a funny mood recently. When I am happy, I can breeze through life quite easily, under the impression that I am quite easygoing. However. When I am, for whatever reason, not in an upbeat mood, that is when I realise that everything annoys me. Not just the normal things, people being rude, having to line up or machines not working.

    I got annoyed, quite unreasonably, that some people eat crisps.

    Yeah I know, weird huh? I just see them as an unhealthy salt and vinegar/addition of choice delivery system. You can get the same taste by licking salt and vinegar off your hand. The only crisps I eat are the somewhat esoteric ones. Hedgehog for example. I also eat the steak flavour ones occasionally. Anyway.

    New new new years resolution, blog once a day for a while. Then get bored and be crap again.

    Also, went out last night, Andy persuaded me. Plus, Matt is back, and it would be rude not to join him for some drinking fun. I actually bumped into him coincidentally, which was the biggest reason to stay out. Sarah, Shearan, and a lot of other minorly consequentiall people were there, and before long we joined Legit, Bex, Hazel, Ian and Will in Po's. all was going well, untill Lisa turned up... Uhm, in the past I may have reffered to her as BlondeBitch, (It's ok, she knows she's one, quite proud of it actually!)

    Anyway, it was nice to see her, despite actual meeting being caused by Andy and Will shouting "LIISSAAAAA" across Po's. Anyway, let us just say she was her usual, charming, self. That will probably be lost on most people who did not go to Oaklands, or were not there last night. And she was drunk, hopelessly drunk. I expect I'll get shit for the txt I sent her, unless she read and deleted it while drunk. Of course, if you are reading this Lis, I meant it.

    Now I'm tired, and I'm going to uni.
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