
It's only semi autobiographical

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  • Friday, August 05, 2005

    Hah, just realised, in my rush to get away, I forgot to get to the best part of the story. I would recommend starting by reading the post below to make the most of this one.

    So, anyway, it is the end of the night, I am slightly irritated with the pair, and have told them I need to get home early. However, I agree to "go a-paddling" on the basis that they would probably get cold within a minute or two and then share a taxi home.

    This is when most of the name calling and general irritation began...

    After all this, they end up in the sea. 30 minutes later, still in there, I tell them I need to get home, and my phone has died. I ask to borrow a phone, I ask for a taxi number... No.

    Eventually I have to wander down the beach, fins a number from an i+ booth, remember it, and use a pay phone for a taxi. I convince the driver to let me pay £15 for the trip, and end up walking back from where he dropped me in my hometown.

    I was not a happy bunny.

    In fact, had I been a rabbit, I would have been... annoyed. (I could not do the pun, sorry.)

    So yeah, the conclusion remains the same.
    Tell me whose these people are. (You don't have to put it on the site). You have me interested now. At least you can make reasoned argument though. My response would have been "Fuck Off". I'm too lazy to think of anything else.
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