
It's only semi autobiographical

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  • Wednesday, August 03, 2005

    Now I think I write better when I am angry. Therefore by my reckoning, you should be in for a treat for the next few days.

    The incandescence of my rage is becoming immense, and there is every possibility that I might snap soon.

    The last time that a general feeling of being pissed off escalated in such a trancendant manner, I made someone cry, and then never socialised with them again.

    Right, so long as we have that sorted.

    Had a great tiem a couple of nights ago at a place called Scandals on the recomendation of a certain Vikki who I work with. (I have no idea how it is spelled, so I will stick with my favourite "Vikki" spelling.)

    Was pretty fun, I made my usual drunken foolishness more than apparent, tripping over a tree, falling into Scandals and (so I am told) chatting up a guy. To be honest, I reckon I was just being friendly, but certain members amongst my friends were homophobic enough that they felt the need to "save me" from talking to someone, so they sent over Ben, to pretend to be my boyfriend. Hmm, someone on the "Crazy stupid gas"?

    Anyway, that is not the direct reason for my current attitude, this will be revealed later.

    On another note, awwwww, thanks. It is nice to see that some people not only still read this, but think it counts as some form of entertainment. For every comment made, I will make another post the next day, that should give me reason to keep writing.

    Stupid people still piss me off.
    You're crazy.
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