
It's only semi autobiographical

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  • Sunday, August 14, 2005

    Well, I had one of the best nights yet at work, it was a right laugh!

    There was downing of pints, racism, abuse of fat and ugly people... Almost as good as a fencing social. It is just a pity no one got piss in their beer.

    Worked with Jenny, who seems to be a pretty cool person. Certainly the most chatty and amusing person I have worked with to date, however I am due to work on Wednesday night for the first time, so who knows, that may change.

    Only one minor annoyance tonight, but I got over that, and have planned a solution for next time it happens.

    It was, in general, a good night.

    Until the walk home.

    Some drunk was hassling me, which I did not take kindly to. Now most of you will know that in general I am pretty easy going. I will accept people being nasty, or laughing at my expense, or even sometimes a bit of shoving around. I tend to ignore it, comfortable that I have the high ground, and doing the right thing.

    However. As hopefully fewer people will know, I also very occasionally have a very short fuse. Especially in cases where people abuse my friends, or actually try to hurt me. The most memorable of these moments was during Notting Hill, when a certain someone made a comment about my girlfriend at the time. That was not pleasent. (This was some time ago, so no guessing who I was with.) Another incident involved being locked out of my house, but thankfully this was forestalled by my friends who were present at the time.

    ::Some text missing::

    In other news, I said something which is probably not often said last night. As I laid down to bed, I suddenly sat up and said;

    "Shit, I can still see."

    Why? I will leave that to you to figure out.

    Tomorrow, my ponderings on why people get offended by the strangest things.

    Now, I am in fact tired. So I'm going to bed.

    Note to police, note sub-heading.
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