
It's only semi autobiographical

  • My Profile
  • Tuesday, October 11, 2005

    101 Things You Might Not Know... 

    1. I can consume approximately two litres of Red-Bull substitute and still fall asleep.
    2. I have not paid for a haircut in over 4 years.
    3. I own at least five lighters, two of which are identical, but one has a 1cm flame, the other 1'.
    4. I have never taken a drag on a cigarette.
    5. I have just worked out that my younger brother has been in my room in the past week and used one of my lighters.
    6. I drink more than the recommended volumes of water in a day.
    7. I eat at least four times a day, but almost always savoury, carbohydrate-rich food.
    8. The things I find funniest no one else ever laughs at.
    9. I enjoy insulting people who do not realise it is happening.
    10. The only conjunction ever used on this website (outside of quotes) is I'm.
    11. I have only ever had one pet.
    12. I am a cat person.
    13. I strongly believe that a ninja could beat a pirate.
    14. Under ideal circumstances, I can lift twice my own bodyweight,
    15. I find sleep boring.
    16. My dreams are primarily conceptual. I rarely remember anything visual.
    17. I believe communism is an ideal form of government, which would never work.
    18. I think the USA is one of the least democratic countries in the world.
    19. I have around 5% body fat.
    20. I have three scars, I am responsible for two, Legit is responsible for the other.
    21. I have had invasive surgery without general anaesthetic.
    22. I have trained in seven sports which could be considered "martial arts"
    23. I have been asked to leave (or it has been strongly implied) two groups out of the seven.
    24. I think religion is an excellent method of social control.
    25. I have been called a "neo fascist" a "psycho fascist bastard" and a "rabid Nazi whore"
    26. I believe "Fascism" is bad, but "fascism" is not.
    27. I believe that race, sex or religion should not define a person's rights.
    28. I believe one person can be better than another.
    29. I do not believe in any person judging another person.
    30. I have broken my left arm playing football.
    31. Someone broke my nose and I set it myself.
    32. I do not let my emotions get in the way of my actions.
    33. I do not like taking medicines.
    34. If I ever met someone with six fingers on his right hand, I would challenge him to a duel.
    35. I think we control language, not the other way around.
    36. I will refer to a mixed group as "guys" and think that I am being the opposite of sexist.
    37. I hate feminists. Feminism is just sexism with another name.
    38. I also hate chauvinists.
    39. I hate people who make generalisations about what they hate.
    40. I own a political map of the world.
    41. I cannot remember a time when I have not had cuts and bruises on my body.
    42. I do not think shuriken are reliable as weapons.
    43. I can hit a head-sized target from 100 meters with a .22 rifle.
    44. I keep my change in ashtrays.
    45. I do not own a book that I have read less than twice.
    46. I am in love.
    47. I am awful at packing for any journey.
    48. I care little for my appearance.
    49. I actively enjoy being physically fit.
    50. I have an irrational dislike of people from Southampton.
    51. I have a rational dislike for people who weigh more than my primary method of transportation.
    52. I really would quite like a brandy right now.
    53. I have never lost a game of minesweeper flags to someone in the same house as me.
    54. I have never won a game of minesweeper flags after more than 4 beers.
    55. I get better at bowling when I am drunk.
    56. I get worse at pool when I am drunk.
    57. There are seven pieces of blu-tak on my wall; none of them hold anything up.
    58. When bending back Nix's fingers, I freak out before I can cause any pain.
    59. I cannot bend my fingers back past the same horizontal plane of my hand.
    60. I am always amazed by how much my friends have... grown when I come back from university.
    61. I have a quiet obsession with the song "Mr Brightside".
    62. I have two web cams in my room right now.
    63. I currently have eight things in my room that could be used as lethal weapons. (Duplicates not counted)
    64. Old books fascinate me.
    65. I have only one trophy on display in my room.
    66. I still have the first present ever bought for me.
    67. I read more than twenty web-comics regularly.
    68. I never spend gift vouchers, but always spend book tokens.
    69. I know an integral that solves as 69.
    70. I think Batman would win.
    71. I do not give to charity.
    72. I enjoy winding up telemarketers.
    73. I have been told that I am evil.
    74. I remember the exact time I renounced my belief in God.
    75. Several times, I have figured out practical jokes that might be played on me, and taken countermeasures.
    76. Sometimes these have had great success; sometimes they have landed me in trouble.
    77. I have never been arrested.
    78. I once dropped someone off a bridge.
    79. I can kick higher than my head.
    80. I can think of only one person whom I hate.
    81. I know of only one person who actively hates me.
    82. If I stretch the skin beside my eye, I can see better.
    83. I find it hard to throw away cards.
    84. The concept of fire fascinates me.
    85. I have never been "beaten up"
    86. I do not get on with the University of Bath Karate Club. (Most people will know this.)
    87. I have wrestled seriously three times in my life, I lost twice.
    88. I enjoy physically fighting with those I love.
    89. I think people should be more willing to laugh out loud, and relax with one another.
    90. Physical contact is very important to me. I do not like being touched unexpectedly, nor by people I do not like.
    91. I do not like limp handshakes; they make me want to cringe.
    92. I cannot stand my hands being sticky.
    93. I think it should be written "can not" rather than "cannot."
    94. I think love is misunderstood and underused word.
    95. If I could go back in time and talk to myself when I was younger, I would be cruel, and likely to use violence to get my point across.
    96. I would love to be allowed to wear a sword in public.
    97. I do not like rules, and treat them as guidelines.
    98. I think all crimes are theft.
    99. I always want to be fitter.
    100. I dislike the formatting in Microsoft Word.
    101. I always find it hilarious that people do not get the inherent joke in the title of my webpage.
    What joke? I knew a few of those... hmm, might make my own list.
    Way too much time on your hands!
    love it, love it, love it.... who do u hate... i can have a guess... rox
    Great job with your list! I laughed. I cried. I printed it out, framed it and have it displayed in my livingroom... (okay -- so I did not really go that far)

    I read a (fictional novel) book about some computer hackers - and throught the book the author used contractions that I did not even know existed. It bothered me so much that I posted about it, but I have no idea what month or year that was; I just remember complaining about the writing style.

    This guy would fit 5 or 6 contractions into one sentence, and used words like mustn't've
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