
It's only semi autobiographical

  • My Profile
  • Wednesday, December 07, 2005


    Ah yes, I remember a time when I would write every day, the writing would both be interesting and witty, and I would receive e-mails congratulating me on my success...

    In a vague attempt to recapture those heydays, I have promised to update every day for a week, then once every two days at least from then onward. Lets see how it goes!

    Another motivation is to beat Kieran's counter. See the little black numbers at the bottom of the page? Reads about 3800 now. I need that to read about 5000. Thus, if you are reading this, send the link so someone you know, (or hate) and I will do my best to keep us all entertained. If every reader adds one more, potentially I could have an... INFINITE READERSHIP!

    As a clue to what is coming tomorrow, an elaborate mathematical proof of Djykstra's theorem. Or possibly a proof on why crisps are not in fact the ultimate snack. (Everyone knows that in the game of proof, mathematics beats science.)

    Now I'm tired, and I'm going to a job interview... type thing....
    You play a deadly game, Mr Hill. The crisp is the ultimate snack food, and if you do not admit it, it will reach up AND DESTROY YOU.
    I forgot to mention, I will also be replying to comments this time too!

    And the crisps obviously haven't met my associates Mr Peanuts, The Hobnob... and Chocolate-Bar.
    We saw you on Tuesday! Where's that comment?
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