
It's only semi autobiographical

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  • Monday, December 26, 2005


    So my brother, amongst the other hi-tech and noise making equipment, has come into possession of one of those things that makes your iPod stupidly loud, and charges it at the same time. As far as I can tell, it is a pair of speakers and a charger made to look pretty.

    This makes me think about the evolution of the iFranchise, and its undeniable advance to a monopoly of all sound.

    I always used to think that they were after control of communication. Think about it, what can your mobile phone do? It can make calls, send text messages. These things it does well. It can do the following all pretty badly, display photos, display videos, record music, play music, and access the internet.

    Now the newest iPod can do all these things (bar internet access) much better. How hard can it be to jam in an aerial and call it a phone? But this all seemed a bit silly when I thought about it, why go to all that trouble?

    Then, it occurred to me that the evil white pod, nestled in its newest contraption of noise, looked a little like an extension kit for a laptop. Indeed, it probably has more memory than a lot of laptops.

    These days you often see a laptop plugged into a real keyboard, monitor, speakers and mouse, which means these things are relatively unimportant to the laptop itself. All that is really needed is the software... Which is just data... Which you can save on an iPod.

    Surprise assault on the computer industry anyone?

    They can play music too I hear.
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