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  • Monday, January 09, 2006

    Yet more on the armed forces 

    A few good men indeed. That quote actually made me think someone was being serious until I realised where it came from.I will say this though that living in a country that has its freedoms challenged reasonably often by a corrupt, overbearing nation with which we have a “special relationship” puts that quote in new light!

    It also makes an interesting example of armed forces mentality, which is key in this debate. This is the idea of unquestioning obedience to authority. In the military, this is essential, in general. You do not want a group of soldiers to ask “why?” when you say, “Take that hill!”

    As it happens, I think questioning someone who provides you is valid though. If you were to live at home while a partner brought in income, for whatever reason, I think you have a right to know whether that money is coming from robbing banks for example!

    I am not going to go into this debate however, for I have a long, dull evaluation of this situation, which no one needs to be bored with.

    D, you say, “Please do post your ideas for a new civilisation without conflict.” But I do not have any. That was kind of my point, the armed forces are necessary, but are they simply a necessity, or a necessary evil? I am also not saying there is a problem, and I agree that humans will always fight; it is part of our nature, and our evolution to defend ourselves. It is also part of our nature to take what we want from others, by force if needed, but our cultural evolution is reducing this.

    Mr K, fighting to support your education is a choice, fighting to feed yourself (or your family) is not so much. I would also say that I do not wish our boys and women (you are not allowed to say “girls” in reference to female members of the forces, as this has been decided to be sexist. (This is bullshit in my opinion, but you know that.)) to come to any harm, but if I am honest, I feel the same about the people on the other side.

    Wow, I really thought this debate would slip under the radar of all buy Andy and Lisa.

    Matt, say something.

    I’ll get to the clubbing eventually!
    oh yeah, me too. In fact I have rather horrible idea that we shouldn't bomb as much, because I value civillian life over millitary life. That is, it is a soldiers duty to try and avoid civillian casualties. So when one is invading an enemy, you do not, as they did in Iraq, bomb the fuck out of it first. This would lead to more casualties on our side, however, so instead we will murder thousands of innocents.
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