
It's only semi autobiographical

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  • Tuesday, March 07, 2006


    Ah, feminists, will they ever learn?

    I will save that subject for later. The question is, who left that post? The ardent advocate of fairness for females, Sarah? The ever quarrelsome and argumentative Roisí­n? Or possibly Bex, because as far as I am aware, she is the only one who calls me Ricardo at the moment...

    Instead, as IC mentioned, yes I fell down the stairs. It was doubtless a moment of great hilarity for those who observed the act, but I assure you, from my position, it was most assuredly not. Fortunately I managed to save my face from too much damage, and instead paid with my legs, arms and chest.

    Having dabbled in what I am sure are the dark arts of snowboarding though, I was somewhat innured to the punishment, and am now on good form to catch up with the work I have missed. I say to catch up, but I have in fact done so now. Topology is, as they say in the vernacular, my bitch.

    I am also going for the world record of numbers of loads put in the washing machine in one day. Practically my entire collection of clothes is going through the process today, which means I had to go to university this morning unwashed (gasp from Ro probably.) Well, I hate having to get into dirty clothes after showering, and it was only for an hour, so it does not count.

    I am alsobeginningg what is doubtless going to degenerate into world war III, but contained within my house. I have already moved into the Rhineland which is our washing room, and soon the Poland of the Kitchen will be mine also! I may have to begin research into better weapons technology... All I have to get past is basic staves and swords which already prevail throughout the house. Battle Hammer anyone?

    Oh, go visit Penny Arcade, Tycho is like a writing god. A titan of the English language if you will. And yet he is an American... I find myself in a state of confusion... But which one?
    Or do we?
    But for how long?
    Ha ha, Rich fell down the stairs! You and your short hair!
    Ok, time for a pro'er comment. (that's a somerset proper - that's right. I'm cool.)

    Sorry had to leave for a moment there my dog went insane. Where was I? Ah yes, a proper comment...ummm...do you like fruit pastille lollies?
    ha ha..... down the stairs.... oh i see someone has already mocked you for that ricardo. You want WW3 you should meet my history commitee atm..... got who left the feminist comment from this?
    ha ha..... down the stairs.... oh i see someone has already mocked you for that ricardo. You want WW3 you should meet my history commitee atm..... got who left the feminist comment from this?
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