
It's only semi autobiographical

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  • Monday, May 31, 2004

    Gah, exams. I should be revising now, but instead I am here Blogging.

    I have not done as much revision as I should anyway... But I like to think I had very good reason.

    I can not even pretend I find Java interesting, at least with Maths I can fake some enthusiasm:

    "Hey this could be really useful!"
    "Wow, I never knew that..."
    "Just think how few people in the world know about this stuff?"
    "That actually connects to real life, philosophically and practically..."

    This level of Java however... No, just no.

    Wow it has been ages since I said that, "No. Just no." used to be a bit of a catch phrase for me.

    In other news, I have done a survey, apparently my blogger code is...

    B5 d++ t- k s+ u- f i- o++ x- e l- c-

    How useful. For those of you unfamiliar with this type of code, let me comfort you with this:

    Sfsqqn ynt gjarnw jjdb oopj si tclb haj exmv wbmkfx ckjw L hr.

    Yeah it makes little sense, but it probably will not mean anything to the people who know the Blogger code either. I assure you though, it means something.

    Damn. I have an exam tomrrow. That just kicked in. I had better start revising.

    Now I'm bored, and I'm going to revise.
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    Saturday, May 29, 2004

    I do not feel like writing too much today, but suffice to say I am in a good mood, things are going my way.

    Now if only I had no exams, life would be perfect.

    Now I'm up, I guess I'll revise.
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    Thursday, May 27, 2004

    Back in Pompey for a bit now, real food, baths and comfy chairs, could life get any better?

    Well, actualy I can think of at least one advantage Bath has that I would trade it all in for...

    Saw a few of the guys around, mostly nice, and I would like to compliment one of them on his dress sense, very daring for a straight man.

    Not a lot to report, or rather there is, but in typical style I have forgotten it all already. More as it happens.

    Now I'm tired, and I'm going to bed.
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    Monday, May 24, 2004

    Ever get the urge to do something completely reckless?

    I guess I am just in one of those moods, I need to find someone prepared to do someting either active or stupid with me...

    Hmm, well I could try to channel it, squash perhaps, or going for a run... or alternatively, I could go do something dangerous with questionable legal and moral implications...

    I think the answer is obvious.

    Just downloaded WinMX, so actualy have access to decent music again. If there is anyone who still reads this after however long I stopped posting for, please leave a comment with recomendations for songs!

    Now I'm hyper, and I'm going to get breakfast.
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    Sunday, May 23, 2004

    I am ill.

    I have had a sore throat for a few days now, but I think it has finally got bad enough that I ought to see someone. I can no longer drink... I can barely speak, and when I sneezed it nearly killed me.

    Now I'm ill, and I want to go home.
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    Saturday, May 22, 2004

    Four cubic inches of metal and plastic, and I can speak to anyone I know, anywhere on the planet. I can reach out and touch any one of hundreds of people.

    The power is amazing, awesome in the truest sense of the word, and still taken for granted.

    Yet as I rest, lay in my bed, there is no one to talk to. For one reason or another, there is no one to turn to.

    What was that feeling? Perhaps it was loneliness. Strange, I have never felt it like that before. Perhaps... perhaps I need someone. I'll find someone to talk to tomorrow.

    For now I will go to bed. Perhaps I will sleep.

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    Friday, May 21, 2004

    I was asked today why I feel the need to carry around a weapon.

    Just as a bit of background for those that do not know me too well, I have, well a slight thing with knives, and sharp edges in general. I am rarely without some form of defense, and this occasionally takes the form of a 2.5" penknife.

    I used this today, using the inbuilt LED to blind one of my friends, and Funny Guy (Remember him? From my house.) posed me the question.

    I could not immediately answer, and there was brief discussion on the legalities of such items.

    To set the record straight, I do not "feel the need" to carry a weapon, but sometimes it is a comfort (when strolling the streets of Portsmouth for example.) The true reason is that this particular implement also contains scissors, a ruler, a small saw and a screwdriver. All of which are difficult to carry around separately. The screwdriver especially comes in useful for glasses repair tasks.

    I do not even carry it often, especially in Bath, and definitely not on campus. Tonight I made an exception, for good reason. Almost explained why, but decided I did not want it to become common knowledge... never mind.

    Now I'm in pain, and I'm going to bed.
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    Monday, May 17, 2004

    Test for comments...
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    Well, the gig was not half bad. Due to a washing-scheduling error I was left with only one set of clean clothes, which were all black. Therefore I fitted in for the most part.

    Injury count: Received
    Headbutted - 3 times, none serious
    Hit in face - at least a dozen times
    Punched in face - once, by a bouncer
    Thrown to floor - 4 times
    Actually hit the floor - once

    Injury count - Dealt
    I can not fill in this section for legal reasons

    The afterparty was also excellent, though by some accounts I spent much of this time asleep with my feet on fire.

    Now I'm tired, and I'm going to lectures.
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    Saturday, May 15, 2004

    The last Blog entry I wrote was deleted, due to my computer loosing power. Shame really, it was rather good and involved bananas, and fighting.

    Today I went for a walk, in the forrest, and due to my housemates being lazy sods, I went alone.

    I ventured far and wide, and explored new and interesting places.

    In other words, I got hopelessly lost.

    Eventually, after falling down hills, and climbing up larger ones, and finally crossing a field with a sleeping bull in it, I made it back to campus, complete with bruises, cuts and stings.

    On that note, does anyone know what poison ivy looks like?

    Tonight I go to a MillionDead gig. Great, the music will be good but I have to put up with the "I'm so cool and depressed" Goth types. They give me funny looks and make snide comments about the clothes I wear.

    Does anyone else see how that could be interpreted as hypocritical?

    Now I'm tired, I'm going to the club.
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